Fara Coffee


Fara Foundation

  • No, this is an extension. The CEO and Founder of MFB Real Estate, Manny Farahani, also founded Fara Coffee with his Wife, Maria Farahani. Together they run the company with their son Daniel. For additional information about Fara Coffee, please click the link up top.

  • Fara Foundation, an American nonprofit based in Austin, Texas is an extension of that stewardship, a bridge between the two countries, pairing international resources with the needs of Nicaraguan families and providing aid in four areas: healthcare, food assistance, education and elder care.

  • 100% of profits benefit the farmers and every bag of Fara Coffee sold supports the Fara Foundation. Resources from the United States are paired with the needs of families in Matagalpa, Nicaragua in four areas: healthcare, food assistance, educational opportunities and elder care.